
Tanner Labs has developed concepts to enhance performance of small unmanned/uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) through projects funded by the Air Force and Navy. Some areas of innovation include: 1) inflight re-charging modalities, 2) low-cost light weight wing structures, and 3) disposable dual-use sUAS for humanitarian aid delivery.

These advances are enabled through Tanner Labs’ customized electronics and unique approaches to hybrid carbon fiber, foam and 3D-printed structures that rival competing approaches in manufacturing time, scalability, and cost.

  • 3hr rapidly manufacturable and domestically produced
  • Electronics pod separable from airframe
  • Max. Takeoff Gross Weight: 2.2 KG
  • Length: 0.5m Wingspan: 1.98 m
  • Navy Config. Range: 3.84 km (up to 10km)
  • Maximum Endurance with Full Payload: 14 minutes

Early Unoptimized Concepts

Tanner Labs developed sUAS technology that increases operational flight time up to 5-fold. Moreover, we achieved a new paradigm of low cost rapidly configurable wing construction. Our objective was to conduct a physics-based trade study of the five modalities to scientifically characterize the real energy available for the sUAS to radically extend mission times. We demonstrated two of the best performing concepts for recharging sUAS in flight based on rank ordering. Mission time increases were best through solar to electric conversion and harvesting of man-made waste heat sources such as exhaust airflows or sun heated surfaces.

For specific capabilities and specifications (proprietary information), please contact Tanner LABS.