Videos in support of Phase I for USDA Award Number 2015-33610-23536
Principal Investigator: John Tanner, Tanner Research
Academic Team Member: Joel Burdick, Caltech

Tanner Research Agriculture Robot TR1 V2
The raw videos below were captured by the robot camera. The red line overlaid on the video is the center of the furrow as computed by the robot's vision system. When an obstacle is detected, a horizontal orange line is overlaid on the video.

Furrow Following: With guidance from its computer vision system, the robot travels down the row without contacting the walls of the furrow.

Obstacle Detection: The robot detects obstacles and halts before hitting them.

Picker Following: The robot maintains a constant distance from the human picker as the picker moves away.

Picker Leading: The robot maintains a constant distance from the human picker as the picker moves toward the robot.